Thursday, April 11, 2013

As usual, nothing went as planned. I started having lower back pain around April 3rd. By April 5th my pain was so intense they admitted me into the Huntsman Cancer Institute once again. I was released from the hospital today April 11th. Because I was still in the hospital, the beginning of the trial has been postponed until April 15th. Hopefully I will be able to start the trial at that time.


  1. What caused the back pain? Hopefully you are feeling better enough to start the trial treatment program. Yes, you are both still very much in our prayers. You will make it!

  2. Prayers are forthcoming. Stay strong. Hugs and love to you all

  3. Doug I am sure you are starting to feel like Job. Stay strong... We love you guys and you are always in our prayers.
    Love, David and Lynnette
