Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This week I will have my second round of R-ICE chemotherapy. There will be three doses, one on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Hopefully this round won't make me as sick as the last. I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers in my behalf. I would also like to thank those that have sent me cards, letters and treats, they are greatly appreciated.


  1. Doug-ug! Lot's of love and prayers your way. Keep us posted.

  2. Debbie and I are pulling for you. Let us know if we can help in any way while you're out of commission.

  3. Doug,

    You know my thoughts and prayers are constantly with you. I have missed seeing you. Working from home now I am far away from Mokie's and the other epicurian delights of West Valley City. Thanks for providing this means to track your progress.

  4. Doug, glad to know about your new blog! It is a good way to share your progress and keep everyone informed. (Good therapy for you too!) I will add it to my favorites and will check back often. Wish we could have a good sit down, Ha Hoo like we have done in the years past, but we understand the need to keep all the germies away from you because that nasty chemo certainly racks havoc to your immune system besides doing the job it was designed to do! Keep SMILING and have faith. Even in the most difficult of times, you know He is walking beside you! You know that you are loved and in our prayers, and of course in our hearts! We are cheering for you! Much Love and warm fuzzies sent your way.

  5. Doug,

    This blog is a great idea to keep us all posted on your progress. I am sure we all appreciate it. You are one of the good guys, Doug and Diane, as you know, is an angel. It doesn't seem right, in our limited understandings, that you both have to suffer so. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both and with all of your family. Don't hesitate to call on us if there is anything Nora or I can do to help in any way. Blessings to you my dear friend.
