Friday, May 24, 2013

Funeral Recording and Program

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to get this post written.  Below is the funeral program and audio recording of the funeral for those who weren't able to make it or would just like to hear it again.  

If you have friends or family who would like to hear the funeral but don't have access to a computer I'd be happy to burn a copy of it to a CD.  Just contact me at and we can make arrangements to get them a CD.

Also, I was able to scan Doug's personal history.  Email me if you'd like a copy and I'll get it to you.

Funeral Program:

Funeral Service (Audio):


1 comment:

  1. I will miss "Woooolsen" more than I thought possible. He was/is a great man. I would like a copy of his personal history. Please email it to me at

    Clyde Criddle
